International Athletes
Find out how your team can train at the Olympic Oval.
팀이 올림픽 오벌에서 훈련하는 방법을 알아보세요.
Узнайте, как ваша команда может тренироваться на Олимпийском овале.
High Performance Training
The Olympic Oval has provided high-performance coaching and training to long track and short track athletes for nearly three decades. Oval programs were established shortly after the 1988 Winter Olympics when it was identified that there was a need for high-level coaching for both Canadian and international athletes.
Since that time, the Olympic Oval's short and long track programs have grown to more than 150 athletes and employ more than 10-speed skating coaches (full and part-time). Oval Program athletes range in performance starting at provincial team level up to national team level.
Athletes from around the world (Canada, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Columbia, China, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Israel, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Latvia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Mongolia, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, United States and Ukraine) have trained in the Olympic Oval speed skating programs.
The Olympic Oval short and long track programs continue to be leaders in sports development and research. Athletes in this program have had tremendous success in setting world records, Provincial Winter Games, Canada Winter Games, winning medals at Olympics, World Championships, World Cups, and qualifying for National teams.
Find out how your country can be a part of the training experience at the Olympic Oval - The Fastest Ice in the World. Book Your Olympic Oval Experience Today!
Training at the Olympic Oval
The Olympic Oval is one of the best speed skating training facilities in the world. Even after 30 years, the ice, the expertise, the staff, all make it the "go-to" destination for international speed skating teams.
Eiji Kohara
Japanese Coach